Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Benefits of WATERMELON

  •  Maintains body temperature.
  •  It contains 92% water.
  •  Low calorie Drink.
  •  Relaxes our muscles.
  •  It Fights Cancer.
  •  Reduce risk of arthritis (joint pain).
  •  Reduce HEART diseases (ASTHMA).
  •  Good source of  VITAMIN C.
  •  Maintain the Acid-Base balance.
  •  Good for women Pregnancy & Menstruation.
  •  Enhanced Beauty, rub piece of it.
  •  Improve our deep sleep 27%.
  •  'watermelon juice' for proper Digestion. 



  May 9th is National Shrimp Day.   There are over 128 Species of shrimp.   There are 16 different stages of Life are ...