Friday, July 27, 2018


 May 9th is National Shrimp Day.

 There are over 128 Species of shrimp.
 There are 16 different stages of Life are found in shrimp from Egg to full Adult.
 The Average Shrimp has 10 Legs.
 Shrimps are Excellent Swimmers.
 Shrimp are Omnivorous.
 They Dance to attract Fish, Shrimp wave their White antennae & do little Dance.
 Every shrimp is actually Born a Male & then become Female as they Mature.
 One Billion pounds of Shrimp are eaten every Year by AMERICANS.


 " A Shrimp's HEART is in its HEAD "

Wednesday, July 11, 2018



For Liver & Digestive System disorders.

Prevents Protein within the Intestine.

Accelerates Calorie burn & help in Weight loss.

Helps promote Lung function.

Fight against Breast, Colon & Liver Cancers.

Great Antioxidant compounds.

Reduce belly fat & Kidney function.


   *     (NEUROLOGICAL)- Prevention of Dementia.
   *     Decrease Diabetes risk.
   *     Fight against diseases.
   *     Reduce Cholesterol.
   *     Boost our Immune System.
   *     Relives Constipation. 
   *     Good for Skin & Hair.
   *     Get Whiter, Healthier Teeth.
   *     Get a Healthier HEART.

   #     This Fruit is a source of Vitamin C.

   #     A medium Apple contains 10.3 milligrams of Vitamin C.
   #     Apples Contain the most important Mineral-Potassium.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018


↣  The Giraffe is the tallest Land Animal.
↣  Africa is the most common place to find them.
↣  Giraffes & Humans have the same number of Bones in their Neck.
↣  The giraffe's Neck is up to 6-8 feet long.
↣  A full grown Giraffe's Neck can weigh as much as 500 pounds.
↣  A Giraffe's Tongue is up to 20 inches long.
↣  The color of the Tongue is Black.
↣  A Giraffe is able to clean its Ears with its own Tongue
↣  Giraffe Age can be calculated from its spots.
↣  The Dark the spots, the Older the Giraffe.
↣  A Giraffe can go longer without Water than a Camel.
↣  Giraffe are the only Animal Born with Horns.
↣  Front legs are longer than the Back legs.
↣  A giraffe's Heart weighs an incredible 24 pounds.
↣  In One minute, the Heart of a Giraffe can pump 160 gallons of Blood.
↣  They rarely lay down, They even Sleep & give Birth standing up.
↣  A Mother Giraffe often gives Birth while Standing,so the Newborn's first experience outside the womb is a 1.8 meter (6 feet) drop.
↣  A Newborn Giraffe is 6 feet tall.
↣  An Adult Giraffe can be 16-18 feet tall.

Monday, July 9, 2018

DREAMS facts


        A series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.

⇏  The Human Brain cannot create faces, Therefore when we Dream, if we see Someone we do not know, we have seen their face before - even if it was for a split second at the store.
⇏  We can have four to seven different Dreams in one Night.
⇏  We forget 90% of our Dreams.
⇏  People who became Blind after Birth can see Images, In their Dreams.
⇏  People who are Born Blind do not see any Images, in their Dreams.
⇏  As much As 12% of People only Dream in Black & White.
⇏  75% People tries to fall back a sleep in the Morning just to Finish their Incomplete Dream.
⇏  There is a 52% chance that the things We Dream about will actually occur in reality.
⇏  When we are in LOVE with someone, we remember 30% more of our Dreams than when we are not in LOVE with someone.
⇏  Men generally have more aggressive Emotions in their Dreams than the Female.

➤     According to Psychological facts,

↪  The inability to fall a sleep at Night means we are awake in someone's Dream.

Friday, July 6, 2018


##  Humans can distinguish over 1,500 Musical Tones.
##  People can Hear Sounds ranging form 0 to 140 decibels (A unit used to express the Intensity of a Sound Wave).
##  Ears can detect the direction of sound within 3° (degree).
##  Sound above 160 decibel can cause cellular damage to the Ear & may lead to Deafness.
##  The right Ear is better at hearing SPEECH & the left Ear is better at hearing MUSIC.
##  Stapes or stirrup is the smallest bone found in the middle Ear.
##  The Stapes bone is only 2.8 millimeters long. 

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Unknown Facts of TOMATOES

↘  Protect from Heart Attack.
↘  Protect from Cancer.
↘  Prevent Urinary infection.
↘  Improve Digestion system.
↘  Improves Brain.
↘  Good for Eyes.
↘  Good for Hair.
↘  Anti-Inflammatory.
↘  Purifies Blood.
↘  Maintain Sugar level.
↘  Lowers Cholesterol.
↘  Lowers Risk of Stone formation.
↘  Lowers Stress / Tension.
↘  Reduce Migraines (Headache, usually affecting only one side of the Head).
↘  Boosts Immunity.
↘  Great source of Vitamins & Nutrients.
↘  Promotes Healthy Skin.
↘  Used in various Cooking Dishes.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Interesting Confusions !!!.

→  Can you Cry under WATER ?
→  Do FISHES ever get THIRSTY ?
→  Why don't BIRDS Fall off Trees when they SLEEP ?
→  When they say, DOG Food is new & improved,Who Tastes It ?
→  Why is it called Building, When it is already BUILT ?
→  If MONEY doesn't grow on Trees, Why do Banks have BRANCHES ?
→  Why does round PIZZA come in A square Box ?
→  Why doesn't GLUE stick to its Bottle ?

             CRAZY  WORLD  isn't  It ???!!!...

Tuesday, July 3, 2018


   The Greatest Distance in The WORLD is just 14 inches..

                 From The MIND to The HEART...

   It is most Difficult to Manage The Balance between Them..!


  May 9th is National Shrimp Day.   There are over 128 Species of shrimp.   There are 16 different stages of Life are ...